At Myosenji Temple, our new members spend time learning how to properly chant the Daimoku (Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo) and how to recite the Sutra (called Gongyo). Each month our Chief Priest conducts several small group meetings with new members* to teach them how to begin and continue their daily Buddhist practice.
Learning How to Recite the Sutra
Our Chief Priest, Rev. Murata, teaches new members how to pronounce the Sutra using the same methods Nichiren Shoshu Priests are taught as acolytes. He frequently reminds us of Nichiko Shonin, the 59th High Priest’s guidance:
The Daimoku that we chant must be performed attentively and diligently. When chanting, we should not have trivial thoughts in our minds. The speed should not be too fast and our pronunciation should not be slurred. We must maintain a medium pitch and chant calmly, resolutely and steadily. There is no established number of Daimoku that we must chant. The amount depends on individual circumstances … When we chant, the entire body should feel a tremendous surge of joy. We must persevere until we become totally one with the Gohonzon. (Basics of Practice, p.13)
New Member Meeting – This Sunday
This Sunday, December 21st, at 11:00 am will be the last New Members meeting of 2014.
* New members are those who have received the Acceptance of the Precept Ceremony called Gojukai.