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Monthly Gosho 2024

Gosho: The individual and collective writings of Nichiren Daishonin, True Buddha and founder of Nichiren Shoshu. Goshos are generally divided into letters of personal encouragement, treatises on Buddhism and recorded oral teachings. Go is an honorific prefix and sho means writing(s).

September Gosho

Reply to Myoshin ama
(Myoshin ama gozen gohenji
August 25, 1275 (Age 54)

If a person embraces this mandala with his life, Buddhas and gods will all surround and protect him like a shadow day and night, guarding him as warriors defend their king, as parents love their children, as fish depend on water, as grass and trees thirst for rain, and as birds rely on trees. This is the true Law. You should believe in it with all sincerity.
(Gosho p. 903 / Nichiren Shoshu Monthly September 2024) Nichiren Shoshu Myosenji

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August Gosho

On Remonstrating with Hachiman
(Kangyo Hachiman-sho)
December 1280 (Age 59)

For the past twenty-eight years, from the twenty-eighth day of the fourth month of the fifth year of Kencho (1253) through the twelfth month of this current year, the third year of Ko’an (1280), I, Nichiren, have done nothing else but one thing. That is, to dedicate myself to having all the people of Japan chant the five and seven characters of Myoho-Renge-Kyo. This act of compassion is the same as a mother trying to put milk into the mouth of her infant.
(Gosho p. 1539 / Nichiren Shoshu Monthly August 2024)

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July Gosho

Letter to Abutsu-bo
(Abutsu-bo gosho
March 13, 1275 (Age 54)

In the Latter Day of the Law, there is no treasure tower other than the men and women who embrace the Lotus Sutra. If this is true, then regardless of one’s rank or class, when one chants Nam-Myoho-Renge- Kyo, one’s life manifests itself as the treasure tower, and at the same time, one is endowed with the virtue of Taho Buddha. There is no treasure tower other than Myoho-Renge-Kyo. The Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra is the treasure tower; the treasure tower is Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo. Now, Abutsu shonin’s [Abutsu-bo’s] entire life is comprised of the five elements—earth, water, fire, wind, and space. These five elements correspond to the five characters of the Daimoku. Thus, Abutsu-bo is the treasure tower himself, and the treasure tower itself is Abutsu-bo. No matter how hard one tries to find some other way, it will be of no value. Abutsu-bo’s life is the treasure tower endowed with the seven kinds of treasure: listening, believing, observing the precepts, concentration, practicing assiduously, selfless devotion, and self-reflection.
(Gosho p. 792 / Nichiren Shoshu Monthly July 2024)

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June Gosho

On Chanting the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra
(Sho hokke Daimoku-sho)
May 28, 1260 (Age 39)

In the Latter Day of the Law, there are many who do not possess the seed of Buddhahood. There are only a few who possess it. Thus, there is no doubt that the people [in the Latter Day of the Law] will fall into the evil paths. [Since they are going to fall into the evil paths one way or another,] we should strongly teach and make them listen to the Lotus Sutra and let them form a poison-drum relationship with it. Thus, now is certainly the time to create a reverse relationship by propagating the Lotus Sutra.
(Gosho p. 231 / Nichiren Shoshu Monthly June 2024)

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May Gosho

Reply to Kyo’o
(Kyo’o dono-gohenji)
August 15, 1273 (Age 52)

I, Nichiren, with sumi ink, have infused my life [into the Gohonzon]. So believe in it. The will of the Buddha is the Lotus Sutra, but the spirit of Nichiren is nothing other than Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo. Miaole states in his analysis: “The revelation of the Buddha’s original enlightenment in the inconceivably remote past is the essential core [of the sutra]. For Kyo’o, her misfortune will be transformed into fortune. Strengthen your faith and pray to this Gohonzon. What is there that cannot be successfully achieved? There should be no doubts [as the sutra states], “[It brings great benefits to living beings] and fulfills their desires, as a clear pond can satisfy all those who are thirsty,” and “Peace and security in this lifetime and good circumstances in the next.” (Gosho p. 685 / Nichiren Shoshu Monthly May 2024)

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April Gosho

The Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra
(Hokke Daimoku-sho)
January 6, 1266 (Age 45)

Coming upon this sutra is as rare as encountering the udumbara flower, which blooms only once every three-thousand years, or a one-eyed turtle finding [a floating sandalwood log] which only happens once in countless aeons. To encounter the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra is more difficult than placing a needle on the ground and throwing a poppy seed from the palace of the great King Bonten so that it is pierced by the tip of the needle. [Imagine] sticking a needle in this world’s Mount Sumeru and, on a day with strong wind gusts, casting a thread from another world’s Mount Sumeru so that it reaches the other mountain and passes through the eye of the needle. It is more difficult to encounter the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra than to thread the needle in this way. Thus, you should be aware [of how extraordinary it is] to be able to chant the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra. (Gosho p. 355 / Nichiren Shoshu Monthly April 2024)

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March Gosho

Reply to Takahashi nyudo
(Takahashi-nyudo dono-gohenji)
July 12, 1275 (Age 54)

Since [the time period of] the Latter Day of the Law has begun, the Hinayana sutras, the Mahayana sutras, and the Lotus Sutra that were respectively transferred to the likes of Mahakashyapa and Ananda, Bodhisattvas Manjushri and Maitreya, Medicine King, and Avalokiteshvara are ineffective as medicine to treat the illnesses of living beings as they exist in textual form only. The people’s illnesses are too grave, and these medicines are completely inadequate. At this time, Bodhisattva Jogyo will make his advent to bestow the five characters of Myoho-Renge-Kyo upon all living beings of Jambudvipa (the entire world).
(Gosho p. 887 / Nichiren Shoshu Monthly March 2024)

Print or download 2024 April Gosho passage.

February Gosho

Letter From Sado
March 20, 1272 (Age 51)

When an evil ruler tries to destroy the true Law, and heretical priests support his efforts to do away with a person of wisdom, one who maintains the heart of the lion king will definitely attain Buddhahood. This is true of Nichiren. I say this not out of arrogance, but rather because I have a strong mind to protect the true Law that I hold so dear. Fear always arises in the hearts of arrogant people when they encounter a strong enemy. They are like the arrogant asura who shrank in terror and hid in a lotus flower in Lake Anavatapta when he was confronted by Heavenly King Taishaku. If one practices even a single character or phrase of the true Law in accordance with the time and capacity of the people, one definitely will attain Buddhahood. On the other hand, even though one masters a thousand sutras and ten thousand treatises, if the teaching does not accord with the correct time and capacity, it will never lead to enlightenment. (Gosho p. 579 / Nichiren Shoshu Monthly February 2024)

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January Gosho

Reply to Shijo Kingo
(Shijo Kingo dono-gohenji)
October 22, 1278 (Age 57)

A mighty warrior named General Li Guang, whose mother was devoured by a tiger, shot an arrow at a stone he believed was the tiger. The arrow pierced deep into the stone, up to its feathers. After he realized that it was a stone, he could not lodge another arrow into it. Later, he was called General Stone Tiger. The principle of this story can be applied to your situation. Although enemies may target you, if you uphold resolute faith in the Lotus Sutra, your great obstacles will surely vanish. With this in mind, continue to deepen your faith.
(Gosho p. 1292 / Nichiren Shoshu Monthly January 2024)

Print or download 2024 January Gosho passage.