Myosenji Buddhist Temple
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Awaken Your Buddha Nature: Sep 22nd Introductory Lecture 2pm

…the Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai of China…basing his work on the Lotus Sutra,  established the theoretical building blocks for the concept of the Ten Worlds: Hell, Hunger, Animality, Asura, Humanity, Rapture, Learning, Realization, Bodhisattva & Buddhahood. All human beings possess the Ten Worlds and can go from one of them to another within a single life-moment.

Spend More Time In Your Higher Worlds

The four noble worlds of learning, realization, Bodhisattva, and Buddhahood are hidden and dormant and cannot be seen. Even though the world of Buddhahood exists as a potential within us, it is hidden in the depths of our life. We need the seed of the Buddha to activate our Buddha nature. Visit (in-person or online) this Sunday for a brief lecture on the Ten Worlds by our Chief Priest.

  • Learn how to chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and properly use the Juzu Beads, Buddhist prayer beads.
  • Q&A with our Chief Priest.
  • The meeting starts at 2:00 pm and concludes around 3:15 pm. REGISTER TODAY

If you have decided to become a Buddhist, after the meeting (about 3:30 pm) Rev Sakabe will be performing the Acceptance of the Precept Ceremony, the ceremony where you become a Buddhist for those guests at the Temple.