Myosenji Buddhist Temple
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Finding Peace Through Chanting*

Register today – in-person or live stream

Nichiren Daishonin, founder of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism, compared chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo to a lion’s roar, symbolizing strength and overcoming challenges. It resonates more with me than meditation.

Focusing on the Gohonzon (object of worship) during chanting creates a sense of control and inner peace. Unlike relying solely on my own mind, chanting allows me to create new, positive mental habits and fosters compassion for myself and others. Through it, I feel connected to the wisdom of the Buddha and experience real change in my life.

Interested in learning more?

Visit our temple in-person and/or online for an Introductory Series with our Chief Priest. Register today You can also learn more from our YouTube channel,

*Experience shared by a Myosenji Temple member