Myosenji Buddhist Temple
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Buddhist Believers – Nanjo Tokimitsu

Head Temple Taisekiji Map

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Head Temple Taisekiji is located in Japan at the foot of Mt. Fuji. The land was donated by Nanjo Tokimitsu, a great lay patron of Nichiren Shoshu in the 13th century.

Nanjo Tokimitsu is proudly looked upon as a model of faith in True Buddhism. In the 13th century, he helped found the Head Temple Taisekiji and built a base to expand the propagation of the Law. His personal residence, (now) Myorenji Temple, became a branch of the Head Temple. [You can see his house/Myorenji Temple in the bottom left of the watercolor panorama. Click on the picture to enlarge]

You can find more details about Nanjo Tokimitsu on pages 413-418 in The Doctrines and Practice of Nichiren Shoshu.

Sun, Sept 29th Introduction to Buddhism Meeting

Topic: Buddhist Concept of the Ten Worlds Brief Lecture from our Chief Priest

  • Learn how to chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and properly use the Juzu Beads, Buddhist prayer beads.
  • Q&A with our Chief Priest.
  • The meeting starts at 11:00 am and concludes about 12 noon.
  • Open to the public.

Join us on Sunday to learn more about Buddhism!