On April 28, 1253, Nichiren Daishonin (founder of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism) stood alone at the top of Seicho-zan Mountain waiting for dawn. As the sun rose above the Pacific Ocean, he joined his hands in prayer and began to chant “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.” This is the day Nichiren Daishonin founded True Buddhism (Risshu). Every year at Myosenji Temple, and all other Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist temples, the Risshu-e ceremony is celebrated. Today, many, many people around the world chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo because of Nichiren Daishonin.
Nichiren Daishonin, since his early years, wished to solve the fundamental problem of life. In his Gosho, Reply to Myoho-ama, he wrote:
“Ever since my childhood, I have studied Buddhism with one thought in mind. Life as a human being is pathetically fleeting. A man exhales his last breath with no hope to draw in another. Not even dew borne by the wind suffices to describe this transience. No one, wise or foolish, young or old, can escape death. My sole wish has therefore been to solve this eternal mystery. All else has been secondary.”
Sunday, April 29th, Rev Sakabe will conduct the Risshu-e Ceremony at Myosenji Temple. Please visit the Temple for the ceremony or join the Live Stream which opens at 9:50am. Morning Gongyo begins at 10:00am followed by the Chief Priest lecture.