Each month in our monthly magazine, on the inside page of the cover, there is a series of articles about the history of Nichiren Shoshu. This month features Myoju Nichijo-kini, a female priest who is known as the pioneer of propagation in the Kyushu area of Japan. The article includes a portrait of her taken in 1895. Myoju Nichijo-kini established numerous Nichiren Shoshu temples in Japan. There is also a hauntingly beautiful photo of a memorial ceremony conducted by a Nichiren Shoshu Priest remembering the victims of the tsunami and radioactive disaster in Japan last March.
The Nichiren Shoshu Monthly magazine for the United States is published in Los Angeles. It is currently not available online but you can get a subscription and have it delivered to your home each month. It is a great resource for study. For more information, visit our publications page.