Myosenji Buddhist Temple
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Karma and Your Unhealthy Attachments

You should not seek momentary fame and personal profit, which will vanish like a flash of lightening or the morning dew. The Buddha states, “There is no safety in the threefold world; it is like a burning house.” Furthermore, the Bodhisattva stated, “Every single phenomenon is like an illusion that has no substantial existence.” Apart from the land of eternally tranquil light where the Buddha resides, every realm is a place of suffering.

written by Nichiren Daishonin in 13th century Japan

Buddhism teaches that one’s attachment to the idea that “the self equals the ego” is an incorrect view, and strongly urges people to get rid of that idea, since it is an illusion of thought. Ill feelings like hatred and jealousy actually arise out of a type of illusion of thought called egocentric views. *

Your Attachments Cause Sufferings

Visit our Buddhist Temple this Sunday, September 3rd to learn how the attachments you make in life (e.g., chasing success, striving for perfection, thirsting for control, etc.) create your Karma and what you need to do to free yourself.

  • Brief lecture by Chief Priest on the Buddhist Concept of Karma
  • Learn how to chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and properly use the Juzu Beads, Buddhist prayer beads.
  • Q&A with our Chief Priest.
  • The meeting starts at 2:00 pm and concludes around 3:15 pm. Open to the public.

If you have decided to become a Buddhist or are interested in learning how to become a Buddhist, Rev Sakabe will be performing the Acceptance of the Precept Ceremony, the ceremony where you become a Buddhist, immediately following the meeting.


* Excerpted:  Nichiren Shoshu Monthly, How to overcome bad feelings toward others.