Myosenji Buddhist Temple
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Myosenji’s Cherry Blossoms – Right on Schedule!

 The National Park Service is projecting peak bloom for DC’s cherry trees the week of April 8-12th. Myosenji Temple’s cherry trees are right on schedule. Florets are visible this week.  We’ll post more pictures of our cherry trees progress over the next two weeks. Be sure to visit our Temple and enjoy our beautiful cherry trees!

Visit our Buddhist Temple – enjoy our cherry blossoms!

Please visit us this April for one of our Introduction to Buddhism meetings.

Sunday, April 15th, at 2:00 pm
Topic: Buddhist Concept of the Ten Worlds

Sunday, April 22nd, at 2:00 pm
Topic: Buddhism and Karma

Sunday, April 29th, at 2:00 pm
Topic: Buddhist Concept of the Ten Worlds