Myosenji Buddhist Temple
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Buddhism: Freedom, Independence, Civility

Myosenji Temple is located about ten miles north of the White House. Our members will enjoy this Fourth of July, Independence Day, with family and friends. It is a big holiday in the Washington, DC region with red, white and blue parties, parades and fireworks. We wish everyone a safe and fun holiday!

Freedom, Independence and Civility

This is also the time of year Americans are asked to reflect on our cultural ideals of freedom, independence, and civility. We can learn a lot from the Buddhist views on our cultural ideals. They are different and best explained by the Lotus Sutra. The Lotus Sutra teaches that all people equally possess ten kinds of life conditions — from the highest state of Buddhahood to the lowest state of hell. These are the life conditions of the four noble worlds and the six paths. The life condition of Buddhahood moves one to improve the world. Such a person will love and cherish others, have a strong sense of justice, value peace, build a character with a deep sense of compassion, gain the trust of many people, and make others feel pleasant. On the contrary, one who is fascinated by devilish functions will become contentious and steeped in evil influences. Such an individual has a self-centered nature and takes pleasure in disruptive behavior. A person like this, with egocentric and biased views, will bring conflict and spread anger into society.*

Visit Myosenji Temple This Saturday, July 7th

Visit our Buddhist Temple this Saturday, July 7th for a brief video presentation on Buddhism’s history beliefs and a brief lecture on the practice of Buddhism and the Lotus Sutra by our Chief Priest, Rev Sakabe. He will explain more about Buddhism’s view of human happiness and peace in this world.

  • Learn how to chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and properly use the Juzu Beads, Buddhist prayer beads.
  • Q&A with our Chief Priest.
  • The meeting starts at 2:00 pm and concludes around 3:15 pm. Open to the public.
  • 310 University Blvd West, Silver Spring, MD 20901

If you have decided to become a Buddhist or are interested in learning how to become a Buddhist, after Sunday’s meeting (about 3:30 pm) Rev Sakabe will be performing the Acceptance of the Precept Ceremony, the ceremony where you become a Buddhist.

*Excerpted: “The life condition of Buddhahood moves one to improve the world.” Nichiren Shoshu Monthly, July, 2015, page 18.