Buddhism teaches the principle of cause and effect. Here, cause and effect refer to the original reason and the ensuing result. This principle is unchanging. There always is a cause for every effect. An effect never occurs without a cause.
Life is not determined by fate. By practicing the Buddha’s teachings, we are able to control and change our future. We must look to Buddhism to find the answer to the lifelong questions of how we should live and how we can attain happiness in the present and the future.
In the “Opening of the Eyes” Gosho, Nichiren Daishonin quotes the following passage from the Sutra of the Foundation in Observing the Mind:
“If you wish to know the causes you have accumulated in the past (in your past existences), look at the effects that are manifested in the present. And if you wish to know the effects that will be manifested in the future, look at the causes you are accumulating in the present…” (Gosho, p.571)
Learn about Buddhism – Saturday, October 4th
Join us on Saturday, October 4th, for our next Introduction to Buddhism meeting. The meeting begins at 2:00 pm with a short video presentation followed by our Chief Priest instructing us how to chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and how to properly use the Juzu beads (Buddhist prayer beads). Then you will have the chance to ask questions directly of our Chief Priest.
Reference: Nichiren Shoshu Monthly Magazine, August, 2004, p.21.