This question is a frequent one asked of our Chief Priest by guests first learning about Buddhism. Americans tend to think Buddhism is synonymous with vegetarianism. But this is an incorrect conclusion. Some Buddhists are vegetarian by personal choice, others choose to eat a variety of foods.
If you want to learn why there are no dietary rules in Buddhism, just the Precept, visit Myosenji Temple on Sunday, February 1st at 2pm. Our Chief Priest, Rev. Murata will lecture on the Buddhist Concept of the Ten Worlds and explain why the law of causality controls our daily life. In the lecture, he will talk about one of the Ten Worlds, Hunger, which is a condition characterized by insatiable desire for food, clothes, wealth, pleasure, fame, power and so forth. One in this state is tormented by relentless craving and by his inability to assuage it. Bring your questions for Rev Murata about daily living and Buddhism.
Nichiren Daishonin, the founder of Nichiren Shoshu, stated:
This path will enable people to become Buddhas even without separating themselves from mundane desires. (Gosho, p. 1287)