Myosenji Buddhist Temple
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Buddhism: Joy & Suffering Brings Wisdom

“It is natural that we all experience joy and suffering in our lives. There is no such life with only joy or only suffering. Then, how do we approach joy and suffering? If we are fixated on the states of joy and suffering, we will not be able to reach the life condition beyond them. This does not mean you have to avoid them. Avoidance is the practice taught in the Amida Sutra. Ours is to face joy and suffering as what they are: suffer what there is to suffer, enjoy what there is to enjoy. When you live a life with this wisdom, you will be able to triumph in any events in life.”

High Priest Nichinyo Shonin, July, 2012*

Buddhism’s Beliefs — SUN June 17th

Visit our Buddhist Temple this Sunday, June 17th for a brief video presentation on Buddhism’s history and beliefs and a brief lecture on the practice of Buddhism by our Chief Priest, Rev Sakabe. He will explain more about Buddhism’s view of human happiness and peace in this world.

  • Learn how to chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and properly use the Juzu Beads, Buddhist prayer beads.
  • Q&A with our Chief Priest.
  • The meeting starts at 2:00 pm and concludes around 3:15 pm. Open to the public.
  • 310 University Blvd West, Silver Spring, MD 20901

If you have decided to become a Buddhist or are interested in learning how to become a Buddhist, after Sunday’s meeting (about 3:30 pm) Rev Sakabe will be performing the Acceptance of the Precept Ceremony, the ceremony where you become a Buddhist.

Excerpted: Nichiren Shoshu Monthly magazine, June, 2018, p.12.