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Monthly Gosho

Gosho: The individual and collective writings of Nichiren Daishonin, True Buddha and founder of Nichiren Shoshu. Goshos are generally divided into letters of personal encouragement, treatises on Buddhism and recorded oral teachings. Go is an honorific prefix and sho means writing(s).

February 2025 Gosho passage

“Reply to Myoho-bikuni”
(“Myoho bikuni-gohenji”)
September 6, 1278 (Age 57)

In his teachings, the Buddha gives us the following admonishment: If one is fearful and hesitant to propagate [the Law] when encountering an enemy of the Lotus Sutra, then this person is an enemy of Shakyamuni Buddha. No matter how wise or good one may be, it is certain that such an individual will fall into the hell of incessant suffering. It is like a child who sees that a stranger is trying to kill his parents but does not warn them of the danger. Moreover, it is as if you, as a vassal, knowing that someone is plotting the downfall of the king, do not remonstrate with him, because you fear that you will suffer hardships.
(Gosho p. 1262 / Nichiren Shoshu Monthly February 2025)

Print or download February 2025 Gosho passage.

January 2025 Gosho passage

“The Four Stages of Faith and the Five Stages of Practice”
(“Shishin gohon-sho”)
Early April, 1277 (Age 56)

Murky water does not have a mind, but it can become clear by capturing the [reflection of the] moon. When the grass and trees are showered with rain, they cannot possibly be aware of it, yet they produce blossoms. The five characters of Myoho-Renge-Kyo are neither the text of the sutra nor its meaning. They are none other than the essential intent of the entire sutra. Beginning practitioners may be unaware of this essence, but by practicing [Myoho-Renge-Kyo], they will naturally follow the sutra’s intent.
(Gosho p. 1114 / Nichiren Shoshu Monthly January 2025)

Print or download January 2025 Gosho passage.