Myosenji Buddhist Temple
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Myosenji Buddhists Living in the Path of Hurricane Florence

For all Myosenji Temple Buddhists and everyone living in the path of Hurricane Florence, please be careful and stay safe during this massive hurricane. Our prayers are with everyone in the path of Florence.

For those who have a Live Stream account, please join our Chief Priest and Assistant Priest for evening prayers and chanting beginning at 6:30 pm on Wednesday and Friday and on Sunday morning at 10:00 am.

Also, you can use our video of our Chief Priest chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo on our YouTube channel.

In recent years there have been unusual occurrences in the heavens, and natural disasters on earth. Famine and epidemics rage in all lands beneath the skies and in every corner of the realm.

written by Nichiren Daishonin in 13th century Japan

When we look upon these conditions from the perspective of Buddhism, we must ask ourselves whether the happiness and unhappiness of the people are influenced by environmental circumstances, such as natural disasters, or whether the environment, itself, is affected by the hearts and minds of the people. This question is truly significant for people today in our global society.*

Visit Myosenji Buddhist Temple

Join us for our Introductory series on Buddhism. We hold meetings most Sundays at 2:00 pm at Myosenji Temple.  Also we conduct Introductory meetings in public locations – Baltimore, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina.

*Excerpted: “The Oneness of Live and Its Environment.”