Myosenji Buddhist Temple
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Buddhism: Dealing with Disappointment – Prepare or Overcome

Buddhist Temple

In the Maka Shikan, T’ien-t’ai says, “…Even in the general affairs of this world, one asks for advice. How much more important is it that we not rely upon our own self-centered wisdom when it comes to the profound truths of Buddhism?”

written by Nichiren Daishonin in 13th century Japan

When we look at people living around us, they may look happy on the surface and even seem to have no problems. But, when we look deeper into their lives, what we actually see is a whirl of difficulties such as sickness, family discord, financial problems, and so on. Our inability to eradicate our negative karma causes our disappointments and unhappiness. Buddhism teaches us how break through our misfortune, to prepare or overcome life’s challenges.

Lecture on Karma by Chief Priest Rev Sakabe

Visit Myosenji Temple this Sunday, December 4th for a brief lecture on Karma. Meeting begins at 2:00 pm. Learn how to chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo and properly use the Juzu beads, Buddhist prayer beads. You will be able to ask questions directly of the Chief Priest. Call or email the Temple if you have questions.

If you have decided to become a Buddhist or are interested in learning how to become a Buddhist, after Sunday’s meeting (about 3:30 pm) Rev Sakabe will be performing the Acceptance of the Precept Ceremony, the ceremony where you become a Buddhist.

Excerpted: Nichiren Shoshu Basics of Practice.